Just a test!

Just a test printed in the sand

Hello World! ( again )

Hello World! (again)

Hello World! in neon on navyblue background

🌍 Interesting paper unpacking the term “low-resource settings” #LRS in healthcare 📚 Terms like “#DevelopingCountries” or “low-to-middle-income countries” often lack clear definitions and carry a difficult mindset.

🔗 So check out the full paper: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/artic…

Sharing some classic wisdom can be tricky! 📚💡 It’s easy to misquote or wrongly attribute words to famous figures. 🧠👥

Before you drop that quote to impress, double-check who actually said it! ✅ This site seems to do good work.

#QuoteWisdom #FactCheck #StayAccurate

Elegant neoclassical study with arched windows, columns, and antique books on a central wooden desk.

Successful #OpenSourceSoftware #OSS represents a continuous journey of development and improvement cycles. 🔄 While functionality is typically the main focus, the choice of software should also consider the #governance model. 🧐 Different governance models in open source projects have a significant impact on #decisionMaking processes, community response capabilities, and authority distribution. 💡 Curious to explore how these models influence decision-making in open source projects? Keep reading! 🌟

The image illustrates the continuous journey of Open Source software development with a central circular path featuring gears, coding symbols, and arrows. A magnifying glass on the left represents governance focus, and scales on the right symbolize decision-making. The background has a vibrant gradient, with subtle lines connecting the elements to highlight the interconnected Open Source ecosystem. The design is modern and abstract, with lightbulbs and community icons symbolizing innovation and collaboration.

1. Do-Ocracy

In a do-ocracy, decision-making is based on contributions. Those who actively contribute to the project have the most influence over decisions related to their work. This model fosters a meritocratic environment in which commitment drives authority. However, it can be difficult for newcomers to navigate, as the informal structure may not provide clear guidance on how to participate effectively.

2. Founder-Leader

The Founder-Leader model centralizes decision-making authority with the project’s original creator or a small team. This can lead to efficient decision-making, but risks creating an autocratic environment where the founder’s vision dominates, potentially stifling community input and innovation over time.

3. Self-appointed council or board

In this model, a committee oversees the project, which can streamline the decision-making process. However, it can also limit broader community participation, as the council may prioritize its members' perspectives over those of the broader contributor base. This can lead to decisions that do not reflect the needs or desires of the community.

4. Electoral

The electoral model allows community members to vote for project leaders and governance policies. This approach promotes inclusiveness and fairness in decision-making, but it can introduce complexities such as political infighting and distraction from project goals. In addition, without clear term limits, it can lead to stagnation in leadership roles.

5. Corporate Backed

In the corporate-backed model, a company controls the project. While this can lead to streamlined decision-making and resource allocation, it often limits external contributions and can create a “walled garden” effect where the community’s ability to influence the project is significantly reduced. This model can lead to mismatched expectations for community involvement.

6. Foundation-supported

The foundation-backed model is managed by a nonprofit organization, ensuring that no single entity has exclusive control. This structure can increase stability and facilitate leadership transitions, but it can also introduce bureaucratic processes that slow down decision-making. The foundation typically oversees legal and administrative aspects, while project-specific decisions may still be made by a separate leadership team.


The choice of governance model in open source projects has a profound effect on how decisions are made, who influences those decisions, and how effectively the community can engage with the project. Each model has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice often depends on the project’s goals, size, and community dynamics. Understanding these implications is critical for contributors and stakeholders who want to navigate and influence open source projects effectively.

A free “Introduction to #GIS Programming” course focuses on #Python for #geospatial #analysis - covers Python basics, specialized geospatial libraries, and hands-on projects.

Learn more about the course here.

Webcams are like an internet classic, perfect for some profound procrastination. So embrace the nostalgia with this website and enjoy some good old webcam fun for a dose of pure internet joy!

A screenshot of the WebcamTaxi website homepage displaying live webcam feeds from various locations around the world. The screen shows four different webcam views: Michałków Airport in Poland, Geribá Beach in Brazil, a sandy beach with blue skies, and a busy street with parked cars in a city setting.


wow… welcome to the ONE MILLION new users in the last three days!!! 🎉

uau… bem-vindos ao UM MILHÃO de novos usuários nos últimos três dias!!! 🎉

Embrace failure as a powerful source of wisdom. [This website showcases](https://failure.museum/) various fails along with brief, insightful information. Explore notable examples like #Blockbuster and #NewCoke to learn valuable lessons from mistakes.

#Fail_is_not_a_failure #FailFast

Heute beim #StartupSlam #Mainz & #Wiesbaden, sehr spannende Pitchs, tolle Atmosphäre. Und es war nicht MZ vs WI, sondern soll die Vernetzung stärken. Macht viel Sinn, weiter so.

Wide cinematic image with a grainy 35mm film effect, featuring a blurred abstract background and subtle film strip borders at the top and bottom.

#AI often refers to LLMs or visual language models (VLMs), but recent tests (see here vlmsareblind.github.io) show their limitations. Simple for humans, challenging for AI. I use “Artificial Intelligence” cautiously. Let’s be precise about tech capabilities. Thoughts? #TechTalk #AIReality

Hand-drawn image of a person standing on a cliff, looking at neural networks in the sky. Symbols of language and vision, like letters and eyes, are intertwined in the landscape. The scene suggests cautious exploration of AI, with muted blue and gray tones.

I also tend to keep a number of tabs open, but this takes it to a whole new level:

A #Firefox power user had 7,500 tabs open! www.techspot.com/news/1028… Two things stand out to me here: First, the idea of using the browser as a kind of dynamic to-do list to manage huge amounts of information. And second, the stability of Firefox to handle all those tabs without completely slowing down the user experience. 🚀 #Tech #Productivity

Browser interface with thousands of tabs open, representing a Firefox user with 7,500 tabs. The Firefox logo is in the background, highlighting stability. A rocket icon symbolizes speed, with a clean, technical design in Firefox’s orange, blue, and white color scheme.

This is an amazing portfolio of animal photos, by Ralph Hargarten, basically portraits that let you imagine of “animal personalities”. Is this #animalities ? 🤔 🙂

tl;dr I’ve been quiet here lately as I rethink my content strategy. I’m shifting to my own blog, cross-posting to platforms like Linkedin from there. Aligns with #IndieWeb’s #POSSE (publish on your own site, syndicate elsewhere). Will not affect follower experience much. Let’s see how this goes! 😊

#ContentOwnership #ContentCreation #PlatformIndependence #Blogging #OnlinePresence #ContentSyndication #LinkedInTips #OnlineIdentity

You may have noticed that I’ve been a bit quiet on the platform lately. One of the reasons was that over time I was less and less happy with leaving my content to just a big platform. 🤔

I had a real eye-opener recently when I was looking for some of my old LinkedIn posts. While LinkedIn allows me to download the data (kudos! 👏 see here for instructions www.linkedin.com/help/link…), these posts are buried deep within the platform and not easily accessible to others. Of course, the platform business is all about getting people to post new content that grabs a user’s attention. 📈

However, that is not my primary concern. Because some of my older posts may have stood the test of time, so it would be great if there was a way to more easily find out which ones. 🙂 😉

Meanwhile, I’ve been keeping an eye on how the platform landscape is changing pretty quickly. There’s a lot going on with #ActivityPub as a universal standard, along with some other interesting developments. 🌐

Given all this, I’ve decided to move to my own blog and cross-post my content from there to other platforms like LinkedIn. ✍️

This falls in line with the #IndieWeb concept of #POSSE, or “publish (on your) own site, syndicate elsewhere.” If you’re interested in learning more, check out this link. 🔗

While this shift might seem significant, it should not change things much for followers who can continue to engage with my content on their preferred platforms.

Let’s see how this experiment goes! 😊

Hello World! 8)

Hello World! ;)